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MCI Admin UI

Login screen:

MCI admin can be used for the following:

  • Searching of patient
  • Update of patient details & Audit trail
  • Patient Approvals list
  • De-duplication list
  1. Searching of patient

The MCI admin can log into the MCI UI and search the patient based on the details captured against that patient. The following fields can be searched as below:

Once you search for a patient you will get the following page:

As you can we can also “Edit patient details” and view “Audit Trails” for this searched patient. Edit patient details will allow you to update patient information.

Audit Trails will give you a view of history of changes that were made to the particular patient.

2. Patient Approvals list:

Click on “view” to choose approval

3. De-duplication list

Then choose resolve duplicates to choose correct details.

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